The 365BrandStore is a product of theAcademy365, Inc. and was founded to amplify the story of BLACKBOYS in America! We believe that BLACKLIVESMATTER and tell BLACKBOY stories through merchandise. We share real-life experiences that provoke necessary conversations on black mental health and how black boys and black men are deeply affected. These stories also serve as inspiration and affirmation that BLACKBOYS have a community of believers and can aspire to be great black men. The 365BrandStore is in alignment with the message and mission of thAcademy365;
The 365Brandstore allocates 100% of its profit to non-restricted donation funds to operations of theAcademy365, ensuring that your contribution has the highest programmatic impact while also making the work of the organization possible.
REAL People
REAL Impact
"From 2001 to 2015, the suicide risk for Black boys between the ages of 5 and 11 was two to three times higher than that of White boys, according to a new research letter in JAMA Pediatrics" (Bridge, 2018).
Ensuring the continuous experience of joy among black and brown boys is a top priority, with a strong focus on their mental health. The program offers a holistic approach that includes activities such as yoga and mindfulness exercises, which promote relaxation, self-awareness, and emotional well-being. Moreover, participants have access to teen mental health first aid training, equipping them with the skills to recognize and address mental health challenges in themselves and their peers. By incorporating social-emotional learning practices, the program creates a supportive environment that prioritizes mental health, empowering black and brown boys to thrive and find joy in their lives.
The act of play and early exposure to S.T.E.A.M share many of the same benefits. Both cultivate a child’s curiosity, executive function skills, and creative thinking. The goal is to leverage BLACKBOY S.T.E.A.M to provide early exposure to STEAM for our black boys while cultivating interest in and excitement for the various areas of S.T.E.A.M. Our approach is unique in that we are intentional about addressing the issue of cultural representation and identity in play.
We must change the narrative and be intentional about encouraging black boys to pursue careers in STEAM. These industries are driving the growth of the U.S. economy, and our children DESERVE to be participants in that. Together, let’s make STEAM accessible, representative, and fun.